Engaging Communities Solutions CIC (ECS) successfully renews its Cyber Essentials certification.

The growing threat of cyber-related crime is quickly becoming a major concern for most organisations and business leaders. With regular reports of high-profile businesses falling victim to cybercrime across the globe, it’s the responsibility of every organisation to ensure they adequately protect themselves and their customers.

We Successfully renewed our Cyber Essentials certification the leading UK Govt endorsed Security industry certification – Cyber Essentials certification – awarded after a rigorous technical review of our company’s security processes, platform and successfully providing evidence and demonstrating our security compliance against different risk and threat vulnerabilities.

Cyber Essentials evaluates five technical security controls that organisations should implement to defend against most internet-borne threats. To obtain this important certification, our organisations was assessed against five basic security controls: secure configuration, boundary firewalls and internet gateways, access control, patch management and malware protection.

“We are committed to protecting our various stakeholders, partners and employees,” said Mohammed Arabo, Corporate Communications & Marketing Officer of ECS. “Earning the Cyber Essentials Certification underscores our focus on the highest levels of security and service. By achieving Cyber Essentials certification ECS are recognised as dedicated to cyber security and our organisation complies with the government-back cyber security standard, offering reassurance to both customers and colleagues alike, the fact that they are working with a company that takes cybersecurity seriously.”

This is also, just one of several activities being carried out to ensure that the possibility of disruption or damage caused by cyber security incidents is minimise and that we fully comply with legislation such as GDPR.

In response to the re-certification, our Managing Director, Elizabeth Learoyd said,

“We’re delighted to have successfully renewed our Cyber Essentials certification. Cyber Essentials is an important certification for us to given rate at which crime related to cyber-related activities is increasing and as such, is becoming a paramount concern for UK businesses and everything going on in the world, news surrounding scams and attacks on social media sites/apps. Whilst working in a secure and safe digital environment, Engaging communities Solutions can undertake public sector contracts under the Cyber Essentials certification as these contracts often require the handling of private and personal data which needs to be managed under the proper practice. I am pleased with the commitment of the team to security in everything we do”.

Elizabeth added; “This is also a proof of our ongoing commitment to always making sure that cyber security is at the forefront to everything we do and applying them across the board. Security is key to everything that we do and achieving this standard is proof that the whole company fully applies that ethos.”