Healthwatch Leicester and Leicestershire Male Suicide Project


Death by Suicide in Males Across England have increased by 3.3%since 2018. These are the highest rate in 2 decades and 3 times higher than suicides in females.  The purpose of this project is to understand why male suicide is higher and whether the services available are known and accessible to all and whether the services available are the ones people want to access.    

Healthwatch are looking to find out what if any barriers exist to accessing services in the male population and how awareness of the preventive services available can be raised. Healthwatch is also  interested in understanding the rates of suicide in Bame and LGBTQ+ communities and the accessibility of services for these groups. 


The objectives of this project as agreed by the Healthwatch Leicester, and Leicestershire Healthwatch Advisory Board are: 

  • To identify and raise awareness of prevention services in place across the county and city. 

  • To ensure that services are accessible to everyone. 

  • To identify potential barriers that prevent men from coming forward to seek support. 

  • Give a voice to people who have used services to tell us of their experience.  

  • Give a voice to people affected by suicide to tell us of their experiences. 

  • Use a range of appropriate tools to raise awareness of male suicide and the support available.  

We would love to hear from you if you have ever felt at a point of crisis and haven't known where to turn. Whether you have had suicidal thoughts  or attempted suicide in the past, or have been affected by a family member or friend who has or has attempted to take their own life. Share your experience so that we can help make things better for others. 

Have your say.  Email  or call Jackie on 07732683493 for a confidential chat.